Well, if you are trying to get pregnant after 40, then chances are it may take longer than when you were below 30's.....because fertility decreases with the increasing age and moreover ovulation is less frequent and the chances of uterine problems such as endometriosis increases with age. Poor egg quality is one of the most common reasons that are responsible for infertility in the women over 40.
How to Get Pregnant Naturally After 40? and Have Healthy Baby?
The general risks associated with pregnancy after 40 are
1. Miscarriages, They are fairly common among 40's mothers than among much younger mothers. Women between ages 35 and 40 have a 20% chance of miscarriage whereas older women of 44 to 50 have nearly a 50% chance for miscarriage.
2. Placental problems seem to increase with age. Placenta pervia is a condition in which part or all of the cervical opening is covered by the placenta. This may cause severe bleeding posing a threat to the life of both mother and child.
3. Pregnancy occurring in the fallopian tubule is another complication that 40's mothers may have to deal with.
4. Also 40's moms run the risk of having a child that may have congenital abnormalities such as down's syndrome.
But these complications can be avoided with simple and holistic natural methods. You have to look for All Natural Methods that greatly enhances your chances of getting pregnant and having a healthy baby.
Fertility yoga is one of the most popular and effective natural fertility options for the treatment of infertility at any age. There are various kinds of yoga that can increase your chances of getting pregnant. However, you are advised to take an expert advice before start practicing yoga as some types of yoga can hinder your conceiving ability.
Hydrotherapy is another effective natural fertility technique. It involves the therapeutic use of water that helps in decreasing the stress levels and improving health, which in turn improves your chances of getting pregnant.
There are lot more natural methods that teaches you How to Get Pregnant After 40 (forty) Naturally
Lisa Olson's Pregnancy Miracle shows you ways to overcome the obstacles that cause infertility, by using completely natural and holistic methods.
This guide is very effective and Lisa Olson herself got pregnant at the age of 43 following her 5 step method after being infertile all her life. The Pregnancy Miracle Program has helped thousands of women round the world who were struggling to get pregnant.
With Pregnancy Miracle book, you'll learn how to
* Get Pregnant Quickly While Reversing Infertility Permanently. It's a fact - 92% of the women who use conventional treatments to increase their chances of getting pregnant fail and sometimes even end up worse than when they started. Now you can learn how to be in the successful 8% group that keeps infertility off forever.
* Get Pregnant Holistically. It's a fact- getting pregnant naturally and reversing Infertility can never be achieved by tackling one of the many factors responsible for Infertility . If you've ever tried to tackle your Infertility using a one-dimensional treatment like hormone pills, sexual positions, or even chnanging your diet and failed it's probably because you have tackled only one aspect of the condition. Not only will this system teach you the only way to get pregnant naturally, you will also learn the only way to reverse Infertility for good - the holistic way.
* Get Pregnant Naturally. Without Drugs or Typical Infertility Treatments. Drugs, and expensive painful procedures such as IVF or IUI to treat infertility only seldom work but the side effects and the procedures are nasty. The tiny handful infertility sufferers who have learned how to treat their Infertility from within and without ever using drugs, painful surgical procedures or over the counters are the only women in the world who keep it off permanently. Now you can learn these Infertility cure secrets from a nutritionist, Chinese medicine researcher and a former sufferer who knows from real-world experience exactly how it's done.